All posts by PNTL

About PNTL

Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, the doctor of comedy began his career as class clown alongside cohort Larry David. After a brief stint on Wall Street, the bestselling author drove a horse and carriage around Central Park. Comical tours steered the way to stage doors, television studios, and motion pictures. In California the gifted performer was soon working alongside Gene Wilder in The Woman in Red and Ed Harris in the timeless Irwin Winkler production, The Right Stuff. The classic production about America’s race to space provided a straight path to Paramount Studios. As a young actor and writer in Hollywood, the author performed in over twenty motion pictures, working alongside screen giants Tom Hanks and Sally Fields in the film Punchline, Diane Keaton in Baby Boom, and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the science fiction thriller, The Running Man. The doctor’s fan club likes to remind his loyal readers that he also appeared in one of the worst horror movies ever made, Silent Night Deadly Night II. The accomplished artist redeemed himself as a Road Warrior, performing stand-up comedy with such notables as the late Robin Williams and legendary ground-breaker Sam Kinison; not to mention Jim Carey, Richard Lewis, and Ellen DeGenerous. Leaving no stones unturned, the resident funny man shared the stage with Howie Mandel, Bob Newhart, and provided voice characterizations for Hanna Barbera and The Smurfs. Presently, J. Michael Chamberlain’s musings are penned in a compilation of autobiographical essays entitled, Tiny Yellow Hat, a body of work acclaimed by writers and artists the world over. When the accomplished performer isn’t penning bestsellers and appearing on The Late Show, he can be found playing the blues in pubs across America and enjoying the good life with his spouse, Millisa, and their rescued hounds, Charles Beresford Tipton and Gracie Poochinella Pants.

Over 25,000 Lies

Excuses, explanations, and intellectualizations are the cornerstone of the Trump administration. Granted, “intellectualizations,” is a serious stretch. In truth, Donald Trump has bald-faced lied over twenty-five thousand times in just under four years. Let that sink in for a minute; twenty-five thousand brazen, shameless, outright lies from the President of the United States of America. So, whenever someone avows, “All politicians lie,” I want to paint myself blue, roll around on the floor, and stick zucchinis in my eyes. Vote.


Un-American American

Over the last three and a half years, Donald Trump has been trying to take the country back to the ‘50s; the 1850s. For temporary President Trump, the mid twentieth century when white men of privilege ruled the roost wasn’t back far enough. He doesn’t see people of color sitting in the back of the bus, Trump sees black and brown people lying under the wheels. Those relics living among us who support the present administration and refuse to evolve by embracing the true melting pot we call the United States of America, stand in the way of progress. If you are someone who defends, validates, advocates, or champions the racist, xenophobic ugly American occupying the Oval Office, you are stoking the fires of fear, hatred, and division. If you can’t get out of your own way, how about getting out of mine? Vote.


Stop The Insanity



Along with the rusting zombie wandering the shadowy corridors of the White House, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is playing politics with American children’s lives. DeSantis, aka “Trump’s Mini-Me,” refuses to listen to reason. Medical professionals across the country and around the globe insist that opening schools before the pandemic is under control is tantamount to a death sentence for teachers and students. Even if children are able to fight off the deadly virus, they will, in fact, bring Covid 19 back to their folks, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. Stop the insanity. Vote.

Truth To Power.

Donald Trump is frightened to death he’ll lose the presidency in a landslide. Trump is a tiny-minded individual with a colossal ego. Losing his ill begotten seat in the Oval Office to Joe Biden, let alone suffering defeat at the hands of Biden and Harris is almost too much for the quintessential grifter with a bad combover to bare. Clearly, Trump’s misogyny is rooted in racism and with Senator Kamala Harris he gets a double dose of truth to power. Gleaning a line from the film, “A Few Good Men,” Donald Trump can’t handle the truth. Vote.

Donald Will Be Held Accountable

When Senator Kamala Harris takes the oath of office on January 20, 2021, she will take down Temporary President Trump as well.  The savvy prosecutor and former Attorney General of California has the skillset to demand that Donald be held accountable for his maleficence, criminalities and corruptions. Unlike Tricky Dick Nixon, pardons and free passes are off the table. No get out of jail pass for Donny like his cronies, Mr. Manafort and Roger “The Penguin” Stone. The worst President this country has ever produced will face the music for the first time in his racist, xenophobic, misogynistic life. Vote.

The Easy-Riders Gathering In Sturgis

There is an old saying, “When you play with a snake, don’t be surprised when he bites you.” The Easy-Riders gathering in Sturgis, South Dakota are standing in a pit of vipers. They are in fact thoughtless individuals who don’t care about their own safety and even less about those of us who do. Selfish, Self-Involved, and Shameful are just a few words that spring to mind. Vote.

Donald And The Devil

The Republican Party sold its soul to Beelzebub when Donald Trump was elected to the highest post in the land. Now the evil contract has come full circle and the Beastmaster is belly laughing while Americans are dying in droves. In the past four months, more people have lost their lives than the Japanese nationals who died as a result of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending World War II. Republicans are repeatedly on the wrong side of history and need to go by way of the Whigs. It is time Donald and the Devil were on the run. Vote.

Americans are Saddled with The Biggest Loser


In the midst of tumult and untold suffering, Americans are saddled with the biggest loser on Planet Earth since Adolph Hitler laid down his bucket of wallpaper paste and picked up a pencil to write Mein Kompf. If we weren’t actually living through this genuine Shakespearian tragedy, “Covid-19” would have made an entertaining motion picture or an eight-episode series on Netflix. In my opinion, there are only two reasons why anybody would be caught dead supporting this inept, ignorant, narcissistic, xenophobic, bigoted, reality host. Either your backing is being rewarded with cold hard cash or you are a racist. In either case, shame on you. Doubtless my words will fall on deaf Trumpeter ears, but without broadcasting my resistance, I run the risk of being complicit. Vote.

A Bloated Toady Sycophant

Doubtless from coast to coast decent Americans have the same opinion of Attorney General William Barr. The man is a bloated toady, a sycophant of major proportions who groveled for the job of top cop in an editorial designed to get the attention of the racist occupying the Oval Office. Bill Barr slapped on knee pads and begged for Beauregard’s gig. Recently, the swollen bootlicker flaunted his disrespect, arrogance, and contempt for lawmakers at a congressional hearing. Just the same, good and decent men like Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana and Rep. Joe Neguse of Colorado schooled the overstuffed A.G. in the art of all that is honest, moral, and truthful. We only acquire noble and principled men like Congressman Richmond and Congressman Neguse by voting. Vote.