In just over a month our national disgrace will come to an end. The man who drew an inside straight in the Presidential election of 2016 (with the help of Russia, marginalized voters, and fear,) will be the first POTUS to leave office and enter the Old Gray Bar Hotel. Like the former Governor of Illinois, Rod “Big Boy” Blagojevich, who spent over eight years in the hoosgow for attempting to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat, the current Toddler-in-Chief will face the Southern District of New York and spend the rest of his wretched days in a Federal Penitentiary. The moment the iron bars slam shut on the greatest grifter who ever lived, Trump will know firsthand what it feels like to be locked away in a cage. On that fateful day, decent Americans will shout from the rooftops, “No one is above the law!”
Tag Archives: poke fun
America Will Once Again Move Forward and Face the Sun.
Transition, (N) A movement, development or evolution from one form of style or stage to another. Shame on the GOP for their disgraceful behavior throughout this transitional phase of our Democracy. While Donald Trump and his minions behave like petulant children consuming a large bowl of sour grapes, freethinking Americans celebrate our richly deserved and hard-earned victory. Even so, before the worst President our country has ever seen exits stage left, he is determined to handicap President Elect Joe Biden. The Orange menace not only wants to see his successor fail; the Toddler-in-Chief hopes to punish Americans because he lost his bid to win the White House. Disparaging the incoming President and vilifying our free and fair elections, not only renders the transitional period problematic, it places every American in a clear and present danger. By making it difficult for the Biden administration to take over the reins, the current management is supplying our sworn enemies with the ammunition they covet to do us harm. In the end, Trump and his toadies are the real snowflakes who sit idly by while evildoers attempt to tear the fabric of our country asunder. Nevertheless, good and decent resisters will continue to come together and trounce this last vestige of shenanigans perpetrated by the racist temporarily occupying the Oval Office. At the end of the day, we the people proved to the world that although we let our guard down in 2016 and placed our freedom in peril, on January 20th 2021
Un-American American
Over the last three and a half years, Donald Trump has been trying to take the country back to the ‘50s; the 1850s. For temporary President Trump, the mid twentieth century when white men of privilege ruled the roost wasn’t back far enough. He doesn’t see people of color sitting in the back of the bus, Trump sees black and brown people lying under the wheels. Those relics living among us who support the present administration and refuse to evolve by embracing the true melting pot we call the United States of America, stand in the way of progress. If you are someone who defends, validates, advocates, or champions the racist, xenophobic ugly American occupying the Oval Office, you are stoking the fires of fear, hatred, and division. If you can’t get out of your own way, how about getting out of mine? Vote.
Stop The Insanity
Along with the rusting zombie wandering the shadowy corridors of the White House, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is playing politics with American children’s lives. DeSantis, aka “Trump’s Mini-Me,” refuses to listen to reason. Medical professionals across the country and around the globe insist that opening schools before the pandemic is under control is tantamount to a death sentence for teachers and students. Even if children are able to fight off the deadly virus, they will, in fact, bring Covid 19 back to their folks, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. Stop the insanity. Vote.