Tag Archives: Mar a Largo

The FBI uncovered several other items Donald Trump took from the White House


The FBI uncovered several other items Donald Trump took from the White House: (1) Harry S Truman’s Official Atomic-Bomb-Ashtray (2) Elenore Roosevelt’s Declassified Beauty Cream (3) Kevin McCarthy’s Testicles (4) Dick Cheney’s Spent Shotgun Shells (5) Mary Todd Lincoln’s Honorary Crazy Quilt (6) Millard B Filmore’s Lucky Argyle Socks (7) Andrew Jackson’s Castanets and Broken Native American Treaties (8) William H Taft’s Top Secret Mustache Wax (9) Richard M Nixon’s Anti-Semitic Missives and Presidential Nose Hair Trimmer (10) Betty Ford’s Executive Cocktail Shaker and Pillbox Hat (11) Benjamin Franklin’s Colonial Lightning Rod and Sorted Clown Shoes

Items The F.B.I. Recovered from Mar-a-Lago


The F.B.I. recently uncovered several other items Donald Trump took from the White House: (1) Abe Lincoln’s Stove Pipe Hat (2) J. Edgar Hoover’s Hoop Skirt (3) Teddy Roosevelt’s Big Stick (4) Eisenhower’s personal collection of, “I Like Ike Buttons (5) Martha Washington’s secret recipe for Cherry Pie (6) Ronald Reagan’s undocumented S.A.G. Card. (7) Barack Obama’s Afro Pick Comb. (8) George W. Bush’s Crayola Crayons. (9)  Jimmy Carter’s Elevator Shoes.  (10) F.D.R.’s Wheelchair Lubricant. (11) Bill Clinton’s Address Book.  #tinyyellowhat