Vice President Pence prance-clapped his way off Airforce One over to a podium on the tarmac to spew treasonous and seditious lies regarding the recent fair and honest Presidential election. Knowing full-well Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in fact the President and Vice President Elect, Pence smiled at the cameras like a racoon eating a sweet potato and fabricated an ugly narrative about voter fraud. Along with the Fuhrer-in-Chief, Pence should be indicted immediately if not sooner. Imagine how gratifying it will be to see Trump and Pence in their hoosgow pajamas sharing a prison cell. One fat-ass victim of his own inadequacy, and the other a sycophant with a fruit fly nesting in his hair, begging for his mommy. Stay the resistance. Stay safe.
Tag Archives: joke
The Racist Among Us
If you are voting for Donald Trump, or you tell your friends, family, and coworkers that you’re undecided, you’re not fooling anyone, you are a racist. No one buys your little charade. Seriously, you’re not fooling anyone, not even yourself. You are a racist. So, dust off your fitted sheets and toss them in the wash or send them to the drycleaners. Make sure your pointy dunce-cap-racist-hat fits over your pointy dunce-cap-racist-head. Don’t forget to iron the little flappy thingy with the eye holes hanging down from the bridge of your dunce-cap-racist-hat, or it won’t lay flat in front of your racist face. Shame on anyone who supports the ugliest Un-American President who ever occupied the Oval Office. This grifter creep show we’ve endured for the last four years ends on January, 20, 2021. Vote.
Change The Way You Look At Things
Doctor Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Countless Americans who voted for Donald Trump are looking at their previous choice for President in a new light. Three and a half years into his Presidency, onetime Trump supporters are conceding that they were in fact wrong. There is another adage that fits the narrative, “It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong.” Vote.
Un-American American
Over the last three and a half years, Donald Trump has been trying to take the country back to the ‘50s; the 1850s. For temporary President Trump, the mid twentieth century when white men of privilege ruled the roost wasn’t back far enough. He doesn’t see people of color sitting in the back of the bus, Trump sees black and brown people lying under the wheels. Those relics living among us who support the present administration and refuse to evolve by embracing the true melting pot we call the United States of America, stand in the way of progress. If you are someone who defends, validates, advocates, or champions the racist, xenophobic ugly American occupying the Oval Office, you are stoking the fires of fear, hatred, and division. If you can’t get out of your own way, how about getting out of mine? Vote.
Stop The Insanity
Along with the rusting zombie wandering the shadowy corridors of the White House, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is playing politics with American children’s lives. DeSantis, aka “Trump’s Mini-Me,” refuses to listen to reason. Medical professionals across the country and around the globe insist that opening schools before the pandemic is under control is tantamount to a death sentence for teachers and students. Even if children are able to fight off the deadly virus, they will, in fact, bring Covid 19 back to their folks, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. Stop the insanity. Vote.