Tag Archives: Phake Breaking News

Truth To Power.

Donald Trump is frightened to death he’ll lose the presidency in a landslide. Trump is a tiny-minded individual with a colossal ego. Losing his ill begotten seat in the Oval Office to Joe Biden, let alone suffering defeat at the hands of Biden and Harris is almost too much for the quintessential grifter with a bad combover to bare. Clearly, Trump’s misogyny is rooted in racism and with Senator Kamala Harris he gets a double dose of truth to power. Gleaning a line from the film, “A Few Good Men,” Donald Trump can’t handle the truth. Vote.

Donald Will Be Held Accountable

When Senator Kamala Harris takes the oath of office on January 20, 2021, she will take down Temporary President Trump as well.  The savvy prosecutor and former Attorney General of California has the skillset to demand that Donald be held accountable for his maleficence, criminalities and corruptions. Unlike Tricky Dick Nixon, pardons and free passes are off the table. No get out of jail pass for Donny like his cronies, Mr. Manafort and Roger “The Penguin” Stone. The worst President this country has ever produced will face the music for the first time in his racist, xenophobic, misogynistic life. Vote.

The Easy-Riders Gathering In Sturgis

There is an old saying, “When you play with a snake, don’t be surprised when he bites you.” The Easy-Riders gathering in Sturgis, South Dakota are standing in a pit of vipers. They are in fact thoughtless individuals who don’t care about their own safety and even less about those of us who do. Selfish, Self-Involved, and Shameful are just a few words that spring to mind. Vote.

Donald And The Devil

The Republican Party sold its soul to Beelzebub when Donald Trump was elected to the highest post in the land. Now the evil contract has come full circle and the Beastmaster is belly laughing while Americans are dying in droves. In the past four months, more people have lost their lives than the Japanese nationals who died as a result of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending World War II. Republicans are repeatedly on the wrong side of history and need to go by way of the Whigs. It is time Donald and the Devil were on the run. Vote.

America’s Favorite Pastime

Doubtless, the next two seasons of America’s favorite pastime are in danger of a colossal no hitter. All the same, we need to safeguard players, managers, and scouts; not to mention, a myriad of fans, vendors, and even batboys from the disease scorching the planet. Currently, halfway measures to stop the deadly virus from infecting players and coaches, do not work. Until scientists and researchers hit upon a vaccine to strike out the dread disease, the only way to protect players is to put the game of balls and strikes on hold. I love baseball. I’ve been a New York Yankee fan since the days when Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris were launching the stitched ball into the bleachers. Nonetheless, I don’t want to see my team and the visitors stricken with the toxic Covid-19 virus and perish.

An American Hero

YORK, PA – AUGUST 12: Republican Presidential Candidate Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) speaks at a Town Hall Meeting while on the campaign trail in the Toyota Arena August 12, 2008 in York, Pennsylvania. Over one thousand people attended the Town Hall. (Photo by William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)

I make no apology for opposing the war in Viet Nam. It was unjust and immoral; nonetheless, the men and women who fought and died in Southeast Asia and the warriors who were wounded and incarcerated in death camps are genuine American heroes. When Donald Trump told a reporter that the late John McCain was not a war hero because, “I like my heroes who don’t get caught,” I not only thought Donald Trump was insane, I was certain everyone who served in the armed forces, past and present, would condemn his words as feckless and reckless. Countless soldiers did, but many did not. When Donald Trump made his absurd statement about a decorated soldier who spent more than five years imprisoned in Viet Nam, Senator Linsey Graham, John McCain’s self-avowed “Best Friend,” never came to the Senator’s defense. Instead, Senator Graham became one of Donald Trump’s trusted toadies, a sycophant of major proportions. Presently, Jamie Harrison is making a bid to unseat Linsey Graham in the senatorial race in South Carolina. South Carolinians vote your hearts and send Linsey Graham packing. Just think Linsey, when you’re unemployed you’ll have all that free time to carry Trump’s golf clubs.

Get Out The Vote.


In every state in the Union, polls show that Joe Biden is far above temporary President Trump in his bid for the presidency; double digits in most states and even higher in others. Even Florida and Texas are on the plus side for the former V.P. The major shift in Biden’s popularity is the result of the Orange Scourge’s ineptitude throughout the hideous pandemic. Apparently, people have an aversion to dying and Trump is literally killing tens of thousands of Americans. This November, not only our freedom, but our very lives hang in the balance. We the people must unseat the White Supremacist in the Oval Office and hold him accountable for his shameful behavior. Shortly thereafter, we will have the best Thanksgiving we’ve had in four years. Get out the vote.

Harriet Tubman A True American Hero

For decades, I’ve known that Harriet Tubman was a true American hero. Just the same, the magnitude of her heroism, bravery, and courageousness escaped me until I saw the motion picture, “Harriet,” starring Cynthia Erivo and Leslie Odom Jr. During this country’s darkest history, Harriet Tubman not only escaped the bondage of slavery, she traveled back to the deep south, again and again, risking her life to lead seventy others out of a world of servitude, oppression, and degradation. Harriet Tubman’s story could have ended there, but the strong black woman’s unceasing contribution to humanity continued throughout the Civil War. Standing on the front line, Harriet Tubman fought tirelessly against the hatred and dehumanization the Confederacy sought to preserve. Harriet Tubman is a genuine American icon; a symbol for everything our country is purported to represent. I believe Harriet Tubman’s likeness should have graced the twenty-dollar bill a hundred years ago. The original freedom fighter’s image should be imprinted on credit cards as well. The notion of a racist who displays the Confederate flag and views a statue of a treasonous Southern General as acceptable in a public park, carrying around a portrait of a powerful black woman in his Velcro wallet, makes me smile. Now, that’s what I call progress.

Until We Find A Vaccine

Keeping schools closed for six months will not turn your offspring into a glut of blathering idiots. Doubtless, a few teachers might argue that they’re already blathering idiots, so how can another six months hurt? Anyway, if your kids are anything like me, and god help them if they are, I cut classes from time to time. I even attended summer school three years in a row. At the end of the third year, the principal thought I was the janitor. If truth be told, there are a surplus of successful human beings who didn’t finish college, let alone high school. Bill Gates and Richard Branson didn’t receive a sheepskin; all the same, the Billionaire’s Boys Club knocked it out of the park. Jim Carey, one of my comedic heroes, dropped out of high school. Perhaps the greatest mind of any generation, Albert Einstein, struggled in the world of academia. “Imagination,” Dr. Einstein offered, “is more important than education.” I’ll bet even our prehistoric cousins were cave-schooled and they could still read the heavens and navigate the landscape. In effect, there are countless cultures who approach education from a vastly different perspective and their citizenry remains healthy in body and spirit. If you stop to think about it, the value of art, drama, and storytelling from a parent’s perspective may be far more important than sitting in a classroom learning Calculous and Intermediate Algebra. So, please keep your children home and healthy until we find a vaccine for this virus. Thanks, I appreciate it.