All posts by PNTL

About PNTL

Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, the doctor of comedy began his career as class clown alongside cohort Larry David. After a brief stint on Wall Street, the bestselling author drove a horse and carriage around Central Park. Comical tours steered the way to stage doors, television studios, and motion pictures. In California the gifted performer was soon working alongside Gene Wilder in The Woman in Red and Ed Harris in the timeless Irwin Winkler production, The Right Stuff. The classic production about America’s race to space provided a straight path to Paramount Studios. As a young actor and writer in Hollywood, the author performed in over twenty motion pictures, working alongside screen giants Tom Hanks and Sally Fields in the film Punchline, Diane Keaton in Baby Boom, and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the science fiction thriller, The Running Man. The doctor’s fan club likes to remind his loyal readers that he also appeared in one of the worst horror movies ever made, Silent Night Deadly Night II. The accomplished artist redeemed himself as a Road Warrior, performing stand-up comedy with such notables as the late Robin Williams and legendary ground-breaker Sam Kinison; not to mention Jim Carey, Richard Lewis, and Ellen DeGenerous. Leaving no stones unturned, the resident funny man shared the stage with Howie Mandel, Bob Newhart, and provided voice characterizations for Hanna Barbera and The Smurfs. Presently, J. Michael Chamberlain’s musings are penned in a compilation of autobiographical essays entitled, Tiny Yellow Hat, a body of work acclaimed by writers and artists the world over. When the accomplished performer isn’t penning bestsellers and appearing on The Late Show, he can be found playing the blues in pubs across America and enjoying the good life with his spouse, Millisa, and their rescued hounds, Charles Beresford Tipton and Gracie Poochinella Pants.

January 20th 2021

Why a plethora of Americans still support the most contemptable President our country has ever produced boggles my mind and saddens my heart. Yesterday, a journalist asked temporary President Trump if he would be making a concession speech after the election was certified on December 14th. The unhinged snapped: “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m the President.” For the past four years, I longed to hear one lousy reporter respond in kind. It would have been so refreshing to hear the journalist proclaim: “You are in fact the President and not the King. You work for the American people. We are not your loyal subjects. We are free Americans. Now, please stop behaving like a crabby baby who dropped his Tootsie Roll Pop and answer the question.” At the same time, from the moment the racist scoundrel rode down the escalator and began his hate-based campaign, I identified the failed realtor’s dark heart. Not unlike that odious morning and his subsequent ill-fated presence in the White House, the ugliest American still takes pleasure in dividing the country, rather than bringing Americans together. Nonetheless, take heart my brothers and sisters of the good resistance. On January 20th 2021, the scallywag occupying the Oval Office will be escorted off the people’s property, forevermore. Even so, we must never again let down our guard. The third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, once said: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

America Will Once Again Move Forward and Face the Sun.

Transition, (N) A movement, development or evolution from one form of style or stage to another. Shame on the GOP for their disgraceful behavior throughout this transitional phase of our Democracy. While Donald Trump and his minions behave like petulant children consuming a large bowl of sour grapes, freethinking Americans celebrate our richly deserved and hard-earned victory. Even so, before the worst President our country has ever seen exits stage left, he is determined to handicap President Elect Joe Biden. The Orange menace not only wants to see his successor fail; the Toddler-in-Chief hopes to punish Americans because he lost his bid to win the White House. Disparaging the incoming President and vilifying our free and fair elections, not only renders the transitional period problematic, it places every American in a clear and present danger. By making it difficult for the Biden administration to take over the reins, the current management is supplying our sworn enemies with the ammunition they covet to do us harm. In the end, Trump and his toadies are the real snowflakes who sit idly by while evildoers attempt to tear the fabric of our country asunder. Nevertheless, good and decent resisters will continue to come together and trounce this last vestige of shenanigans perpetrated by the racist temporarily occupying the Oval Office. At the end of the day, we the people proved to the world that although we let our guard down in 2016 and placed our freedom in peril, on January 20th 2021

Hallelujah My Good and Decent Resisters

Womens March


At last, our national nightmare is over. Now, we no longer have to hear Donald Trump’s hate filled xenophobic racist rhetoric. Whether you were praying to the wind or the Supreme Being of your choice, your prayers were answered. At present, it is time for our wounded country to move forward and start healing. The wounds run deep, but Americans have the strength of character to love our neighbors regardless of political leanings, race, creed, or color. Hallelujah my good and decent resisters. Hallelujah.


Don’t they know evil when they see it?

Earlier, I watched a film about a farmer in Austria in 1943 who faced execution for refusing to pledge his loyalty to Hitler and fight for the Nazis. The motion picture was entitled: “A Hidden Life.” There is a scene in the film where the central character is having a conversation with the only other neighbor in his village who thinks the war is wrong. During their conversation about the men and women who support the Nazi regime, the protagonist’s neighbor says: “Don’t they know evil when they see it?” At that point in time, I reflected on the current situation we face in our own country. “How can anyone in America listen to Donald Trump,” I thought. “And not know evil when they see it.” Vote.

Republicans Peddle Fear

Republicans were on the wrong side of history long before Donald Trump became their Fuhrer. Since the narrow-minded hot air buffoon temporarily took over the White House and hijacked Democracy, the G.O.P. not only drank the Kool-Aid, they churned out barrels of the lethal beverage and sold it to their racist base; hate mongers and fear peddlers who wittingly swallowed the bitter brew and view themselves as victims of their own inadequacy. The same heartless individuals who loathe their neighbor, because they don’t love themselves. Now, however, America is truly the Melting Pot it was ballyhooed to be for generations. Now, the emotionally stunted men and women who beseech “Big Daddy” to do their thinking for them will be marching toward the exit while Americans with loving hearts will march into the Oval Office and shout, “Enough is enough! No longer will we turn a blind eye to our brothers and sisters of color.” There is only one race. It is the human race. Vote.



Growing up in East Flatbush, my Brooklyn buddies and I called anyone we considered deceitful, devious, and fraudulent, a “Phony Baloney.” Currently, the G.O.P. is comprised of countless “Phony Baloney” individuals who can’t win the White House without cheating. Don’t stand idly by while swindlers, charlatans, and cheaters attempt to steal the Democracy our ancestors fought and died for. Thomas Jefferson said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Vote.



I recently saw a peaceful protester carrying a sign that read, “All lives won’t matter unless Black Lives Matter.” When the protester turned the sign around, it read, “I don’t owe racism an open mind.” Two sage statements that should be on the lips of every American. The latest shooting of an unarmed black man, Jacob Blake, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and the senseless murder of two peaceful protesters by a twisted teenager with an assault rifle is the direct result of Donald Trump’s incendiary rhetoric. The police officer who fired seven bullets into Jacob Blakes back is a cold-blooded killer. He had the opportunity to grab Blake around the waste and toss him to the ground, or kick the car door closed before Jacob opened it. Instead, he chose to shoot first and ask questions later, because he doesn’t believe Black Lives Matter. Vote.

The Racist Among Us

If you are voting for Donald Trump, or you tell your friends, family, and coworkers that you’re undecided, you’re not fooling anyone, you are a racist. No one buys your little charade. Seriously, you’re not fooling anyone, not even yourself. You are a racist. So, dust off your fitted sheets and toss them in the wash or send them to the drycleaners. Make sure your pointy dunce-cap-racist-hat fits over your pointy dunce-cap-racist-head. Don’t forget to iron the little flappy thingy with the eye holes hanging down from the bridge of your dunce-cap-racist-hat, or it won’t lay flat in front of your racist face. Shame on anyone who supports the ugliest Un-American President who ever occupied the Oval Office. This grifter creep show we’ve endured for the last four years ends on January, 20, 2021. Vote.

Change The Way You Look At Things

Doctor Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Countless Americans who voted for Donald Trump are looking at their previous choice for President in a new light. Three and a half years into his Presidency, onetime Trump supporters are conceding that they were in fact wrong. There is another adage that fits the narrative, “It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong.” Vote.