Just when I thought it was safe to go about my business without the Pontiff invading every waking hour; preempting my favorite television programs from Chris Mathews on MSNBC to the talented jokers on the Big Bang Theory, I innocently ordered a pepperoni pizza and lo and behold there he was again. Yes, indeed, staring at me from atop the pizza box was Pope Frankie in all his glory. Although I found it a tad disconcerting, I have to admit it brought back memories of Father Guido Sarduci, aka Don Novello, and his classic bit from Saturday Night Live Finda the Pope ina the Pizza Contest. Just the same I’m glad His Holiness visited America. He’s a decent, somewhat progressive guy, who, for example, no longer condemns the Gay Pride Parade. An act I always found hypocritical whenever the Pontiff rode through Vatican Square on a flowery float wearing a matching hat and gown. That said, he gave a great many people a well-needed lift and that’s a good thing. Just the same, I pray he doesn’t come back too soon.
All posts by PNTL
Finda the Pope ina the Pizza Contest
Just when I thought it was safe to go about my business without the Pontiff invading every waking hour; preempting my favorite television programs from Chris Mathews on MSNBC to the talented jokers on the Big Bang Theory, I innocently ordered a pepperoni pizza and lo and behold there he was again. Yes, indeed, staring at me from atop the pizza box was Pope Frankie in all his glory. Although I found it a tad disconcerting, I have to admit it brought back memories of Father Guido Sarduci, aka Don Novello, and his classic bit from Saturday Night Live Finda the Pope ina the Pizza Contest. Just the same I’m glad His Holiness visited America. He’s a decent, somewhat progressive guy, who, for example, no longer condemns the Gay Pride Parade. An act I always found hypocritical whenever the Pontiff rode through Vatican Square on a flowery float wearing a matching hat and gown. That said, he gave a great many people a well-needed lift and that’s a good thing. Just the same, I pray he doesn’t come back too soon.Picture of the Pope.
A Brain the Size of a Mustard Seed
It never ceases to amaze me how someone can be a brilliant surgeon and still have a brain the size of a mustard seed. Ben Carson’s viewpoints regarding the LGBT community, for example, are laughable: “Being gay is a choice,” he said, in a recent interview. “Why else would inmates enter a prison straight and come out gay?” Or his disrespectful words regarding someone’s religious beliefs making them ineligible to run for the presidency. Incidentally, in the picture above, doesn’t Ben Carson look like a model in a J.C. Penney’s ad? Lastly, whenever the man speaks, I’m often unconscious within three seconds. I imagine before Doctor Carson operated on his patients, he only had to speak to them for several seconds and the anesthesiologist could take the day off.
Trump; The Leader Of The Free World ?
Donald Trump the leader of the free world ? Trump couldn’t lead a puppy to a hamburger. He’s a 21st century snake-oil salesman selling fear and widespread panic. He’s an example of what motivational speaker Wayne Dyer calls FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. His recurring words are always dark narratives regarding America’s shortcomings; however, when questioned, he never has any solutions concerning our domestic problems and complicated global conundrums. “I’m a business man,” he keeps repeating. “I’ll run this country like a business.” Trump went bankrupt four times. This self-made man was given hundreds of millions by his father. Trump talks about making this country great again. The only way this country could get any better would be if men like Donald Trump climbed aboard the next space shuttle to Pluto..
Rump Plaza
For a time in Atlantic City, the huge letters above TRUMP PLAZA burned brightly. But as time marched on, one towering letter in particular began to fade. Finally, the floodlight displaying the letter “T” completely burned out. From a distance, anyone viewing the casino was presented with RUMP PLAZA. Donald Trump’s pretend run for the presidency isn’t all that different from the letters atop the casino. The higher the ape climbs, the more his ugly side is revealed. Mr. Trump’s fear mongering, blatant lies, and intimidation tactics will continue to work until the bully is confronted by his victims and metaphorically punched in the nose. By not standing up to the quintessential ugly American, we’re fueling the real-estate Mogul’s mean-spirited race-baiting techniques. Across the Continental Divide, intelligent reporters and journalists should be looking Donald Trump in the face and repeating the words spoken by Joseph Welch during the communist witch-hunt in the 1950’s. In defense of a junior attorney accused by Senator McCarthy of being affiliated with the communist party, the former chief of counsel for the United States Army and partner at a prestigious Boston law firm, said, “Until this moment, Senator, I have never gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Have you no sense of decency, sir?” Donald Trump has no sense of decency, civility, and morality. He calls immigrants rapists and murderers, dismisses war heroes like so much trash and demeans women at every turn. He is not only a danger to our American way of life, but rather a danger to freedom-loving people around the globe.
News from around the world and in your face
News from around the world and in your face.
Murder at Moose Lodge
An excerpt from the essay, Murder at Moose Lodge, in the recent Best Seller, “I’m OK, You’re a Pain in the Ass … a love story.”
For a time, I lived in San Francisco and performed with a theater company called, Murder, Inc. Our little troupe staged murder mysteries in restaurants, banquet halls, and fashionable homes along Pacific Heights. While waiters wearing comfortable shoes served gourmet dinners from silver platters, blood-spattered actors were discovered behind dessert carts or floating in toxic clam chowder -victims of random violence and dreadful acting..
I not only like what this two thousand year old dramatist had to say; I also love the guy’s name, it sounds funny and it’s fun to say; Euripides. Euripides’ words are guaranteed to knock your socks off; therefore, I suggest duck taping your socks to your ankles before you read them: THE WISEST FOLLOW THEIR OWN DIRECTION. Another great man, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, uttered these gems, “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” Like misbehaving children, the branch of the Republican party that shut down the government should write FDR’s words on the blackboard five-hundred times..
The Worlds Best Book
— My latest book of essays entitled I’m OK, You’re a Pain In the Ass …a love story is currently available in paperback and on Kindle. I only ask that you buy one copy for yourself … and forty or fifty copies for your closest friends? All seriousness aside, please give my book an outstanding review on Amazon. Your good review will not only make it easier for people to find my book and enjoy the gift of laughter, it will generate sales; at which time, I will no longer have to sell my essays on the black market and live on the street with my aging tabby, Mister Whiskers..