All posts by PNTL

About PNTL

Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, the doctor of comedy began his career as class clown alongside cohort Larry David. After a brief stint on Wall Street, the bestselling author drove a horse and carriage around Central Park. Comical tours steered the way to stage doors, television studios, and motion pictures. In California the gifted performer was soon working alongside Gene Wilder in The Woman in Red and Ed Harris in the timeless Irwin Winkler production, The Right Stuff. The classic production about America’s race to space provided a straight path to Paramount Studios. As a young actor and writer in Hollywood, the author performed in over twenty motion pictures, working alongside screen giants Tom Hanks and Sally Fields in the film Punchline, Diane Keaton in Baby Boom, and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the science fiction thriller, The Running Man. The doctor’s fan club likes to remind his loyal readers that he also appeared in one of the worst horror movies ever made, Silent Night Deadly Night II. The accomplished artist redeemed himself as a Road Warrior, performing stand-up comedy with such notables as the late Robin Williams and legendary ground-breaker Sam Kinison; not to mention Jim Carey, Richard Lewis, and Ellen DeGenerous. Leaving no stones unturned, the resident funny man shared the stage with Howie Mandel, Bob Newhart, and provided voice characterizations for Hanna Barbera and The Smurfs. Presently, J. Michael Chamberlain’s musings are penned in a compilation of autobiographical essays entitled, Tiny Yellow Hat, a body of work acclaimed by writers and artists the world over. When the accomplished performer isn’t penning bestsellers and appearing on The Late Show, he can be found playing the blues in pubs across America and enjoying the good life with his spouse, Millisa, and their rescued hounds, Charles Beresford Tipton and Gracie Poochinella Pants.

Penetrating thought of the day

I do not understand the hoopla surrounding the birth of the royal family’s baby boy. Like any child born on the planet, I wish William and Kate well, but these folks are mega-wealthy individuals whose ancestors ruthlessly secured vast expanses of land, hired mercenaries to protect them while acquiring more property, donned bejeweled crowns and silk robes, drank wine, ate venison and sweet potatoes, while their “SUBJECTS” went around in rags, starved and scrounged about for a crust of bread and a vessel of brown water to wash it down. Whenever I view “commoners” (as the monarchy refers to the middleclass) bowing and scraping to the royals, I’m certain those individuals cannot be hooked-up right. I thought it was amusing when I learned that the Queen Mother postponed her vacation until Prince what’s-his-name was born. The old girl lives in a palace with 480 rooms on a parcel of land the size of Seattle. She has gold toilets, swimming pools, tennis courts, movie theaters, thoroughbred horses and servants up the wazoo; going off on a holiday seems redundant. And unless you consider smashing a bottle of champagne against the side of a luxury liner labor intensive, the royal family never worked a day in their lives. Bitter? Maybe just a tad. Peace out brothers and sisters. .

Penetrating Thought of the Day

In light of the recent injustice in Florida, and I’m not talking about the rash of elderly men wearing speedos on Miami Beach, the term Getting Away with Murder will now (and forever) be referred to as “ZIMMERMANING.” For example: Until his fiery death in an underground bunker in Berlin, Adolph Hitler had been ZIMMERMANING across Europe. Or, “The notorious serial killer, Ted Bundy, had been ZIMMERMANING for several years before his capture and execution.” The only solace one can take away from the sad event that took place in Sanford, FL. in February 26, 2012 and July 13, 2013, is knowing that George Zimmerman will be looking over his shoulder for the remainder of his life. He is a colossal coward. Trayvon Martin had it right when he called his murderer a “creepy-ass cracker.” Rest in peace Trayvon..