Tag Archives: opinion spoof

Hypocritical Weasel


Hypocritical Weasel

John Boehner, the former Speaker of the House, is the most hypocritical weasel to come along in the past decade, or at least the past six months (two weeks?). In Boehner’s recent poor excuse for a book, this poor excuse for a human being pretends to speak to the truth by calling the former President (I am of course paraphrasing) a colossal orange turd; a moron; an inconsiderate feckless loser. Even so, the phony weeping opportunist voted for Donald Trump twice. Not once. Twice. Two times. Dos. Doubtless, more than most, I understand the concept of selling a book. I write books. I sell books for a living. The difference between men like John Boehner and yours truly, however, is that this writer would never sell his soul, just to sell a book. Why? Because I have more integrity in the last three hair follicles floating aimlessly above my head than John Boehner has in his entire gin-soaked body. We need to call out men like John Boehner and John Bolton for the freebooting twofaced double-dealing people they really are. Please don’t buy Boehner’s (or Bolton’s) disingenuous, duplicitous tome. Resist. Stay safe.

The Racist Among Us

If you are voting for Donald Trump, or you tell your friends, family, and coworkers that you’re undecided, you’re not fooling anyone, you are a racist. No one buys your little charade. Seriously, you’re not fooling anyone, not even yourself. You are a racist. So, dust off your fitted sheets and toss them in the wash or send them to the drycleaners. Make sure your pointy dunce-cap-racist-hat fits over your pointy dunce-cap-racist-head. Don’t forget to iron the little flappy thingy with the eye holes hanging down from the bridge of your dunce-cap-racist-hat, or it won’t lay flat in front of your racist face. Shame on anyone who supports the ugliest Un-American President who ever occupied the Oval Office. This grifter creep show we’ve endured for the last four years ends on January, 20, 2021. Vote.

Change The Way You Look At Things

Doctor Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Countless Americans who voted for Donald Trump are looking at their previous choice for President in a new light. Three and a half years into his Presidency, onetime Trump supporters are conceding that they were in fact wrong. There is another adage that fits the narrative, “It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong.” Vote.


Over 25,000 Lies

Excuses, explanations, and intellectualizations are the cornerstone of the Trump administration. Granted, “intellectualizations,” is a serious stretch. In truth, Donald Trump has bald-faced lied over twenty-five thousand times in just under four years. Let that sink in for a minute; twenty-five thousand brazen, shameless, outright lies from the President of the United States of America. So, whenever someone avows, “All politicians lie,” I want to paint myself blue, roll around on the floor, and stick zucchinis in my eyes. Vote.