20% of The Entire Population

It’s a fact, twenty percent of the entire population of these United States is mental; stark raving mad; bugnutty bonkers. These unhinged individuals are imbued with a plethora of emotional illnesses; horrors ranging from rampant racism and xenophobia to unbridled self-hatred and psychopathic egotism.  In a word, they are hateful human beings who view themselves as victims. Bellyaching wounded casualties of their own inadequacy. From the moment Donald John Trump took office, he became their sanctioned leader; a leader of losers. The word “leader” is laughable considering Agent Orange couldn’t lead a puppy to a hamburger. Just the same, Trump gave the Neanderthals permission to rise up from their ratholes and exercise shameful and deplorable behavior. While their hearts are dark and crowded with hatred, it’s not up to good and decent people to fix them; they are beyond repair. However, it is the job of decent Americans to get out the vote. Thomas Jefferson said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.” We let our guard down in 2016. As a result, the hatemongers marched into our benevolent country in jackboots, waving Confederate flags.  Now, it’s time to take back the country and never let our guard down again. Please vote; Democracy hangs in the balance.

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